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Showing posts from November, 2008

Is the personal genome close? Single Molecule Real-Time Sequencing (SMRTS)

So, I have always enjoyed explaining science to non-scientists. To help everyone understand these things better I want to organize these blogs into a short 1-3 paragraph description of what's new and cool for a fast overview, and a few more paragraphs below to give perhaps more background and details about the news. Please let me know if this works. What's the short scoop? Science Journal recently (November 20th 2008) published a report in which the authors show that they can perform "real-time DNA sequencing from a sinlge polymerase molecule". I am thrilled about this report! But why? This technology will make sequencing fast and cheap. For most people, it will be relevant to know that rapid and, in the future, affordable DNA sequencing opens the door for everyone get their own personal genome which can help with diagnosing and fighting diseases like cancer. However, I am excited about this technology because I think that it will allow us to sequence all microorgans...

The Purpose

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. — Frank Outlaw Every blog has a purpose. For some it is to share one's personal life. For others it is to spread a political ideology. I have been blessed with the opportunity to listen to many different minds in science and talked to many whose conviction is that the path forwards in humanity requires us to rethink everything we have done up to this point in order to make sure that future generations survive. I have decided to dedicate my life to the service of this cause. I know I am not all-knowing nor claim to be. In all humility, keeping in mind the above quote, the purpose of this blog shall be to summarize and share information related to science, biotechnology, and the environment that I find interesting, and engage in an informed, reaso...