Goals: 1. Adapt and deal with symptoms (preparation, preservation, plantation, energy saving, etc) 2. Combat causes of global warming 2.1. Long-term impact (cut CO 2 emissions and remove CO 2 from atmosphere and oceans) (C,D) 2.2. Short-term impact 2.2.1. Reflect more sunlight back into space (D) 2.2.2. Reduce pollutants other than CO 2 Reduce emissions of chemical gases such as HFC, PFC, SF 6, , halon, CFC and HCFC (A) Reduce emissions of CH 4 , N 2 O , BC, CO, NO x and VOC (B,C,E) Produce extra OH (D) This can be best achieved through: A. Protocols ( Kyoto , Montreal , etc), standards and deposits (refunded at collection) on products containing inorganic pollutants Fees on nitrogen fertilizers and livestock products (where farmed) to fund local application of biochar C. Fees on burning fuel (where burned) to fund clean local alternatives (incl. EVs, solar cookers , WWS energy) D. Geoengineering ( ad...