I am still working on the second part of the focus on algae, and between research, and moving to a new place, I am not finding just enough time to flesh out the article just yet. It will come though! Instead tonight, I wanted to write an informal entry on a particular aspect of "bio-based" ideas: what anyone can do for environmental protection and conservation. In most of the industrialized world and beyond, internet access is pervasive. I find that I am spending quite a bit of time on the internet be it for email, searching information, social networking or gaming. I am sure others will have their own habits on the internet. It's easy to forget that each action on the internet actually has an environmental cost associated with it. The computers used to read this blog use electricity. Games can be demanding on the graphics card which if high-end can use even more energy than the CPU itself. Beyond the borders of your own computer, each action one takes puts a certain work...